
A bunch of nothing

Ah, personal days. They are probably the only reason why I haven't showered my place of employment with many little bullets in rapid succession.

Yup, I'm home right now. I didn't call in sick, although I felt really gross and weird this morning. I would have gone in if I felt I needed to, but there hasn't been much going on at the lab lately, so I called and asked one of the supervisors if it was okay for me to take a personal day. She said she didn't care, as I knew she wouldn't. Honestly, I don't think anyone there notices a damn thing that I do. You would think that going unnoticed would make for a great job, but for me it really doesn't. I don't flurish at a job unless I feel my job means something to somebody. What I do doesn't mean shit anymore, unfortunately.

But that's not why I wanted to stay home today. I just wanted to. Being really dizzy this morning didn't help much, either. I don't feel dizzy anymore, luckily. *sigh* All of these vague symptoms all the time get really old. I hope that they all fade away when the medication kicks in.

Good things about today:

- Ken is on vacation all week, so he is home. Right now, he's in the living room watching "Scream Blackula Scream". What a classic.

- I'm not stuck in a little rat hole of a darkroom.

- I'm not dizzy anymore.

- It's sunny outside, even though it feels like it's 127 degrees.

- I have nothing important to do.

The famous "running of the brides" is tomorrow at Filene's Basement. Designer wedding gowns all priced at $249. It sounds fantastic, but I wasn't expecting to buy a gown this soon, so I have no money saved for it, not even $249. Plus, this thing just sounds INSANE. You can read about it here under "bridal event".

I think I will get back to doing nothing now.