
Warm, happy, and full of carbohydrates

What a busy day! I went over to christy13's house at 7:00 am to get a jump start on the garage sale that she has had planned for quite a while. Along with Christy's very organized garage, I brought some crap to sell, as did Christy's friend Beth, and her friend Alice. I only sold a few little things, a few pairs of shoes, some picture frames, shit like that. Christy admitted that she had secretly been coveting my fuzzy purple muppet frame, so I passed it along to her. Alice actually bought one of my photographs, which I thought was sweet of her to do, since I had just brought the prints along for the ride pretty much.

I think that Christy and Jeff made out pretty well with their stuff today. That's cool. I had made a profit of about twelve bucks, until I found my roll of quarters and dimes had been stolen from the drawer of a dresser that wasn't for sale. I shouldn't have put them there in the first place, it was dumb. But, I just don't think about people being that shitty sometimes, then they go and steal money from a damn garage sale. Bastards. So, after that loss, I'm actually in the red by a few bucks. I went ahead and bought a watch that Christy was selling, a cool little old wind up watch with glued rhinestones on it. I really dig it.

I pretty much got more sunlight on my skin today than I usually do in a year, and despite my sunblock efforts, my farmer tan is much worse. I hate that! At least I had the vitamin D working :)

I'm tired now, but I had a nice shower, and Ken and I ate big calzones for dinner. So I'm pretty cozy.

That's a good thing.