
I can almost smell autumn

August is just speeding right along so far. Summer is my least favorite time of year, because I don't take to the heat well at all. I could easily melt into a pile of liquid if it gets to be over 78 degrees outside. I like sunshine, as long as it's gently touching me through a cool breeze - not bearing down on me through a layer of humidity and smog. So the quicker August is over, the better. Plus, that will mean that fall is right around the corner! Breezes, crunchy leaves, hoodies, yeah.

I went to visit my mom today. She quit her job as a door greeter at W@lmart because they told her that she would have to go collect carts in the parking lot from now on. The labor was too heavy for her. They couldn't find anyone else besides the little 65 year old lady to do the heavy labor? Assholes. She found another job as a cashier at a dollar store. The pay is less than W@lmart, if you can imagine. She seems happy about the situation though, so that's good.

I took my dress in for alterations yesterday, and all they have to do is shorten the straps a little. It only cost $35.00 for that and a bustle. That's awesome. When the cute little latino lady named Cookie told me the price, I said, "Really?! Oh Cookie, that's wonderful!" Her reply was, "Well, what else can we do darling? The dress fits you perfectly!"

Hehe. That's nice for a change. Something fitting me perfectly.

I hate Sunday nights. It's too close to Monday mornings. My day off always goes way too fast. I usually feel bummed out on Sunday nights, like right now.

And by the way, I checked my diary stats today, and noticed that someone has found my diary by g00gling my real first and last name. (Although I have never mentioned my real last name here, it's a word that is also a noun) I just wanted to mention that if you happen to know me in person and you have found my diary, please keep in mind that this is my PERSONAL diary. If I have not given you permission to read it, then do not hold me responsible for how you feel if you happen to read something you don't want to know. Disclaimer over. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. But there is three years of my life on here, as boring as it may be most of the time.