
Birthday resolution

So I've decided that my 30's are going to be much better than my 20's were. That really shouldn't be too difficult. One of the first things I have decided is that I will no longer give a shit about what other people think of me. You should try it, it's quite liberating! My habitual self-consciousness probably cannot be shaken that easily, but you can't blame a girl for trying.
This past Friday was a Hindu holiday, and my boss and his wife had a little celebration at the store that night. It was pretty cool to be a part of it. There was plenty of L@kshmi worship, and a nice spinach and lentil dish was involved, too. I took home one of the wrapped sweets for my alter, since I had no idea if it was vegan or not.
After all that, Ken and I went to see Crooked Fingers play. Actually, it was less Crooked Fingers and more Eric Bachmann playing solo. Man, was it ever cool. We stood right in front of him as he belted out stripped down versions of his songs. Ken and I agreed that he doesn't fuck around.
Saturday night was spent at Lush! Whoo! What a wonderful restaurant. It's too expensive to go there more often than a special occasion, but when we do go it's well worth it. I had a "tuna" filet that was so realistic that it almost freaked me out. It was flaky and everything. It was made of yams and soy. I don't even like yams! Oh, and the avocado and spincah potsticker appetizers were soooooo great. I could bathe in the citrusy spicy sauce they were served with. But I won't.
On Sunday we went to Ken's parent's house for lots of food, pie, and birthday well wishes for me and Ken's brother, who just had a birthday too. Fun times.
....and my haircut is still damn sassy. That's about it.