

You have to read this fishy tale . What's even funnier than the simple act of this guy "freeing" a fish bought at a chinese grocery by dumping it into the Hudson River, is all of the comments various readers left him at the end. Some of the comments are women cooing at him, telling him he's sweet, and the others are pissed off at him for potentially destroying the ecosystem, or most likely killing the fish with the wrong kind of water.
Here's may favorite of all the comments:
"Oh, and it was only one fish right? Well, who's to say there aren't some other PETA, vegetarian idiots out there throwing more fish into the water?
To all you people getting angry at the people who are actually basing what they say on facts (biologists, etc.), at least what they are saying has a little more stand than what you are.
I think the whole thing was a waste of everyone's time.
How heroic.
Animals Rights Activists need to go kill themselves."
Hahahahaha!!! It's clear that the fish-freeing guy just wanted some fresh blog material. I doubt he's an animal rights activist or even a vegetarian. Of course I'm only assuming.
Man. I'm an animal rights activist and I've yet to give a captured animal freedom. Quick! To the grocery store!
....or maybe that poster is right. I should just kill myself instead.