
More Hummer ranting and other whatnot

I just read this article about the government helping to pay for gas for those who drive an SUV for business. Yeah, we really need to be incouraging people to keep using their SUVs. And the Hummer H2s are listed on covered vehicles. Please tell me what kind of business needs to use a goddamn Hummer besides the military? Jeezus, people. Let's not encourage them.
In the city where my new job is, there are plenty of Hummers driving around. It's a high income area, but also full of country boys. County boys love their big ol' vehicles. A lady came into the store on Thursday after getting out of a big ass Hummer with her three kids. My boss asked her a question about it (just making conversation type of question) and the lady said, "We've had this thing for two years now, and my husband's getting tired of it. He wants me to start using it to do my running around with the kids, and he's going to get the new Lexus SUV for himself." Then she said that they spend.....get this.... $380.00 a month on gasoline!! Holy fucking hell, that's a car payment!
She went on to say how "safe" Hummers are by describing a friend of hers that got into an accident in one. "A car hit her, and the car just went right under it!" Yeah, that does sound safe. Safe for the person in the Hummer, and no one else.
Nothing like a Hummer driver to get me all riled up. I know I pick on Hummer drivers a lot, but it's really people who drive SUVs when they have no reall need for one that bother me. Hummers are just the biggest of the bad, and when I see them I think of wastefulness and greed.
I went to the doctor on Friday, because I've been having some unusual fatigue issues this past week. On Wednesday evening, I felt so fatigued that I couldn't even lift my feet. It's weird, and not like me at all. I usually have plenty of energy. I also sleep 8-9 hours a night. Fatigue is a vague symptom, and I knew that going in, so I was basically just hoping for some blood to be drawn. I haven't had my thyroid or my iron checked in a few years, so it's probably in order. I'll get my results in a few days. It doesn't feel serious, just strange.
I do need to eat more regularly. I've found that since I have been at home, I go longer without eating a good meal. So blood sugar might be an issue. I really need to get back on schedule, because I have also gained five pounds in the last month. Five isn't a lot, but in a month it is. I just need to move my ass more. I have been taking more walks, and jumping rope some.
Let's see....what else. We added some mineral makeup to Cosmo's this weekend. It's good stuff, and I hope that people like it. The latest issue of V3gNews is out now, and that means our first ad has officially hit the street! Whoo hoo! It's all very exciting.