
Bitchin' and turtle dovin'

After a stressful and busy workday, I come home to my apartment. Like most people, I would like to relax when I get home. Unfortunatly, today I could not do that! Some days this grates on me more than other days.... and my roommate is my friend, lets have that be known, but bless her heart, she lives in filth. I am neat, she is messy. When I open up a granola bar, I throw the wrapper away. When she opens up a granola bar, the wrapper lands on the floor somewhere near her foot. I do not understand this. If someone could please explain this to me in simple terms, I would appreciate it, because I simply cannot fathom not throwing garbage away.

Anyway, today the appearance of my dwelling was especially horrible. Maybe it was no different than yesterday. I'm not sure. All I know, is it makes me want to scrub my bathroom sink in despair, because this is all I can control. My bathroom. My bedroom. I can clean the kitchen until my knuckles are blue, then wine will be spilled on the counter in a nice ring, and will not even be wiped up. This is why I find it hard to bother anymore. It is pointless! Anyone who would come to my home for a visit, would think that I just don't care. This makes me tired!

Okay, enough of the bitching. One day, I will make enough money to be able to move. I like Kerrie's company alot, but I could call her, ya know?

Wow! This entry is a lil' negative! It's not even really that funny. Oh, well. Maybe tomorrow.

I could make it positive by talking about Ken for a minute. Have I mentioned lately just how special I think he is? Well, I believe he is. Ken is so funny, and so sweet and kind to me.....and I am so attracted to him - all of these things make him a unique individual. I feel pretty lucky to have met him. In fact, I can honestly say that my relationship with Ken is the only thing in my life right now that is going exactly how I want it to. So there.

Anyway, enough of the turtle dovin'.