

The move went well, although a pain in the ass like always. There are few chores I hate doing more than moving. But, we are in our wonderful new house, so that's what is important. We are somewhat unpacked. We have all the time in the world for that though. I'm trying not to over-femininize the place so Ken won't be uncomfortable. I'm not a very fru-fru kind of girl, but I do have a thing for the color purple and for fairies. I think the place looks great so far.

I can't believe I'm getting a cold! What a pisser. I guess it has been over a year since I've had one, it's about time. I hope it doesn't make the breathing issues I'm having worse. Not that I can see why a nose full of snot would affect my breathing at all...

Oh! I don't think I have mentioned the new info on my breathing issues. I went back to the asthma doctor, after being on a steroid inhaler for two weeks, and the doctor said that I only have a 3% improvement. So, he wants me to go get checked for vocal chord dysfunction. He said that it appears to be asthma, and is often overlooked. Since the meds are not working, I'm now going to have to go see an ENT doctor (uh, that's ear, nose, and throat doctor by the way. Damn doctor lingo.) and get my vocal chords checked out. I hope thet don't have to snake a tube down my thoat or something. I'm REALLY not into that at all.

This morning while backing out of the driveway, I ran into Ken's brother's car. I feel so very rotten. Rotten to the core. I have a problem with handling guilt. It eats me until I'm almost gone. I smashed up his side mirror a bit, and the side door. There are two reasons why this happened. 1.) Because it is really dark in the morning at 6:30 and... 2.) Because I apparently don't know how to drive a fucking car.

As rotten as a carcass.

I'll post some pics of the new house when I get them developed.