

Whew! What the hell happened?? Allow me to catch my breath for a moment...
First of all, thank you's all around to the well wishers that posted in my guestbook. And for those of you who didn't know, Ken and I got married last Sunday. It went well, at least I think it did. Actually, all I really remember is a big swirl of flowers, paparazzi flashes, chocolate, hugs, lipstick, dancing, and every person I know all in one room. It was literally a whirlwind. I promise to elaborate and post pictures just as soon as I actually get my hands on some pictures.
The man and I just flew back from our honeymoon in Seattle a few hours ago. I am wicked tired, so I promise to write about the honeymoon tomorrow, and post some pics from our fancy new digital camera. Until then, I have some jet lag to sleep off.