
My gut hurts, but my face looks flawless!

Yesterday was weird. Well, I shouldn't say that the day itself was weird, but rather I felt really weird yesterday. I was all excited about having a day off to go out, do some shopping, and get some stuff done. I take great pleasure out of piddling around by myself sometimes, as long as I'm not following a specific schedule. Schedules tend to make me nervous. Anyway, First thing I did was go to a morning auction. I haven't seen the auction folks since the wedding. It was fun to be in the audience for once. I bought a neato old vanity mirror, and a star wars toy. After that, I did some shopping. Then I started feeling really sick. I felt dizzy, stomach achy, fatigued, and I was having a hard time concentrating. Vague symptoms, I know, but very weird.
I was supposed to have a late lunch woth a friend that I ended up having to cancel because I felt so damn weird. It was kind of scary. I have been depressed lately, and I felt like I was on the edge of an anxiety attack, but rather than coming, it just left me feeling dumb. My brain just kind of stopped working. See? Weird. By around 9:30 that night I was feeling much better. I have no idea what that was about.
Today I've felt better. I baked cookies and brownies for a good part of the day, and some friends came over for an annual get together. It went well, and now I have heartburn. Fucking digestive system. It just won't cut me any slack. Anyway.
Christy and I exchanged gifts today, and she's awesome. She got me a starter kit of this mineral makeup that I've been wanting to try. I have some on now, because I wanted to practice applying it. She also gave me some lovely glass leaves. I need find a spot for them. She liked her QOTSA shirt I got her, and I hope it fits her.
Ken and I are meeting with the accountant on Tuesday evening to get some questions answered regarding our business. We are loosely planning on starting up by March 1st. I'm so excited I could barf. Seriously. I think we are going to do very well, and I'm beside myself with joy! But I'm nervous too, because I don't want to fuck up. We are also meeting up this week with a graphic designer friend who is going to be doing our logo, and some print ads for us. Eeeeekkk!! I am serioulsy stressing out, but it is a good stress.
Maybe that's why I'm having such bad acid reflux lately. Yeah, that's it. It has nothing to do with all the chocolate, tomaotes, and soda I've been consuming.