
Icy day- must stock up on supplies!!

We're iced in. Heh. It's always funny to live in Georgia and be iced in. It usually happens one day per year, maybe two, and the whole metro Atlanta area has to shut down. Well, except for the alarmist new crews camped out near every major highway. Because you know, it's fun to watch us Georgians slip around on icy roads.
I've had a shit week. I had three cavaties filled in one day, then went to work right after. That place is bad enough without a drilling headache. I also had car trouble the whole week. My car has been slow to start, so I had the battery tested. The test showed a bad battery, so I bought a new one. Fine. Well, while driving to work the next day, my car would idle really low like it was about to die every time I came to a stop. So, I got to take my car in to be checked out. Then I got to pay $85 to have them tell me that when the battery was replaced, the car's computer idle thingy needed to be reset, and that was causing the problem.
Whatever. That was the same morning that my boss's wife went into labor. They called me while I was at the car place to tell me I needed to go open the store. So, I had to borrow Ken's car and leave him at the dealership. Just as I pull up at work, Ken calls me to tell me that my store key is still on my key ring at the dealership. Blast!! My car was ready at that point, so Ken had to drive my car up along with my damn store key.
Since it's freezing outside today, I've decided to stay in and work on the new store's inventory. I've also baked cookies, and made soup in the crock pot. Poor Ken is on some disaster team at work, so he's working from home all day. He's pissed.
Only one more month before we launch the new website! Whoo!