
You'll recognize me by the poorly fitted black tee shirt and the dust puff in my hair

Whenever the weather starts to turn all pleasant like it has the past few days, it stirs something up in me. The "spring cleaning" stereotype. I find myself doing things I NEVER get the urge to do, such as hand washing my car. Weird. I also went through my closet and pulled out all of the clothes that I can't fit into anymore, all of the cheap-o black shirts that have faded to grey, jeans that went out of style years ago, etc., and filled three large garbage bags to take to the thrift store. It's funny, I did this exact same thing about a year ago, but I'm still getting rid of shirts I have had for ten years. Do they hide from me?
I actually started to go through the clothes because I was hoping to find some that looked good on me that I haven't seen for a while. But it didn't happen. The part of my self esteem that's linked to my clothing/appearance has taken a serious dive lately. I just never have money to spend on my clothes. When I do, I end up buying the wrong stuff, like ill fitting T@rget tee shirts that shrink after one washing, or some dressy shirt that I have no pants to go with. Even my bras suck. Ah well. Maybe one day.
Besides tackling the closet, I cleaned our ceiling fan. christy13 would be so proud! It was 75 degrees today, and I didn't want to turn it on and have giant dust puffs fly at me from all directions.
I have eaten way too much yummy food this weekend. We bought the most evil thing at Harry's on Friday. It is a peanut butter mixed with white chocolate. And it is vegan. And the whole jar is almost gone. Man, this stuff is good. It's like peanut butter, but a fancy, sweet candy-like peanut butter. It made the best sandwiches.
Okay. Hopefully there will be several orders waiting for me at the office in the morning. *crosses fingers*
Time for bed.