
Moe is spooking me out

Moe totally knows something that we do not this evening. Since about 9:00 tonight, rather than being curled up in my lap as I watched Fight Club, he was perched at the top of the stairs. His tail was puffed up to twice it's size, which only happens when he sees another cat in the window or something, and he was staring frighteningly down into the living room. He's a weird cat, but not usually this weird. He stared at the living room, without moving, for more than two hours.
I'm convinced that there is a ghost in the house now. I'm sure there's always ghosts here, but now there's one that freaks Moe out. Which is freaking me the fuck out. I keep looking over my shoulder as I type this. Feeding my fears is a little hobby of mine.
For the past few days I've been working at a store owned by some friends of ours. They asked if I could help out a little, and well. It's all fun and games until my car payment is due. That's not to say our business is doing poorly, because it's doing pretty good for our first week. We really need it to pick up, but hopefully once our ads run in the magazines in the next few months it will be better.
It will get better. Pretty soon, business will be so good, that we will have a hard time keeping up! Right?
I had four more cavities filled on Monday. That's it for me and the dentist for a while. I'm tired of seeing him. I'm tired of sitting in that chair and staring at that fishtank. I have two more cavities to be filled, but they will have to wait for now. Seven is my limit for two months.
I feel like the ghost is staring at me. I better go to bed.