
Rotten teeth and chocolate to make it all better

Sometime around eleven o'clock this evening I decided to bake cookies. Then I ate them. If all goes as planned, I shall be diabetic very soon!
We went to a birthday party last night for our friend Jennifer. It was nice to see artisthussy, christy13, and mycatsass, but some of Jen's other friends that I don't know are a little.... I don't know. Not that easy to talk to? Maybe it's because I have nothing in common with grown ups who do shots of Jager & Red Bull together. Or maybe I do, but since I'm anti-social, I wasn't able to talk to them enough to find out. Ah well. At least nobody puked, as far as I know.
As far as the store goes, we did pretty well for our first week. Many thanks to the Diarylanders who were nice enough to place orders! I hope everyone likes their marshmallows. And a great big "Thank You" again to bettyalready for all of the free advertising she's doing on her diary.
So, tomorrow I go back to the dentist again. I know I have six more cavities (!) to be filled, and I also know that they are going to do two of them at once, then four of them at once, but I don't know how many they are doing tomorrow. One of my old mercury fillings is being replaced, and I'm not looking forward to that, either. I mean, it's good to get it out of there, but I'm not excited about the potential trouble that could come with mercury being drilled into. A heavy metal detox is in my future, and it has nothing to do with Slayer.
What a shitty pun. I'm so old.
Anyway. Speaking of rotting teeth, Easter is coming up, and we have lots of vegan chocolate bunnies. We also have these yummy chocolates that would go very well into an easter basket. Just so you know.