
Much like Boo Berry cereal, this entry contains marshmallow ghosts

Let's start off this entry with a shamless plug for Cosmo's, shall we?
For a limited time only, we are offering a FREE bag of yummy chocolate marshmallows to anyone who places an order for fifty bucks or more. Check it out. **ends shamless plug**
I talked to my mom yesterday. I was telling her the story of Moe freaking me out as if he had seen a ghost the other night, and she reminded me of her ghost stories from years ago. (B.L.- Before Leigh) When my dad was still working for the CIA, my family lived in Virginia. My mom woke up one night to see a very large stereo/entertainment unit moved out into the middle of the hallway, out from the closet it had been stored. She had to wake my dad and brother to move it back in, it was that heavy. They don't know how it got there. In the same townhouse, my parents had over a dinner guest. Apparently a lid to some sort of candy dish floated over the dinner guests plate, then plopped down into her dinner. My parents rarely agree on their stories, but this is something they both agree happened. As my mom was telling me this yesterday, she mentioned that it was a very threatening and uncomfortable feeling. She doesn't have those feelings anymore, and there have been no more ghost sightings for her in more than 30 years.
She also decided to tell me that the entire time we lived in my childhood home (before my parents divorced), whenever she pulled up into the driveway, she invisioned an ambulance there. She said she "just knew" either her or my father were going to die there, but she didn't know which one of them.
What do you say to that, anyway? My response was, "Well, maybe it was foreshadowing the end of your marriage?" I don't know.
I'm sure I've told that ghost story at some point in the last four years of keeping this diary. If you've read it before, then sorry about that!