
Some vegan cheese with your whine?

Well, it's midnight and I just stuffed myself full of buttered toast. Again. You know, I really wish that my body would be a little more supportive of my stress eating and lay off the acid reflux and IBS for a while. Can't a woman feed her feelings and get fat in peace?! For crying out loud.
Yeah, it's been a fun filled week of depression, anxiety, fear, anger, low self esteem, and gluttony. Oh, and plenty of pity parties. That's why I haven't written anything here in a while. I hate re-reading entries that are all self pity. It's lame and silly. I mean, is another entry on how I can't pay my bills really appropriate here? I've had money struggles since I was on my own at seventeen. I need to get used to it, or get over it already.
At least there was one nice event this week. The always wonderful Tori Amos was in town on Monday, and Christy and I went. Our seats were pretty far away, but the venue was smallish, so that was okay. The night was just lovely.
It looks like I'm going to be getting a job at a store that some friends of mine own. I'm not keen on it, because I don't want too much of my attention drawn away from our store, but hopefully just working part time will not interfere too badly. Plus, I need some time away from the computer here. I find myself checking for orders about every 27 seconds. I have a big stress knot in my shoulder blade from slumping in the computer chair like a jackass while I check for orders nine hours per day. Once business picks up, this won't be an issue, I know. But for now, i suppose I need to get out of the house before I turn into a total nutcase.
Wait...too late.