

Around the southeast, we get lots of this stuff:

Yellow pollen coats our cars, our sidewalks, our trees and bushes, and our noses and throats. I would have to guess that 90% of the state of Georgia is on Claritin or some other allergy medication. I've been lucky enough to not have pollen bother me too badly, but this year it seems to be worse for me. It's been headaches non-stop for Leigh.
It's so bad that it makes me talk about myself in third person.
Our poor garden. We just haven't been able to pay as much attention to it this year. The red tulips didn't return this year, much to my disappointment. Only a few of the purple one decided to grace us with their presence.

The fancy clover that a friend gave me a few years ago is still looking good.

Pretty soon, it will be covered in little purple flowers that close up at night. So pretty.
Then there's the puff ball bush. I have no idea what the real name of this bush is, but in the spring it blooms big white puff balls of flowers.

Some of the puff balls will get too heavy for their branches, and hang low towards the ground.

If we were rich, I would definitely
hire a team of landscapers. I love looking at a nice yard and garden, but I dislike tending to it all. I wish I enjoyed it more, because the pay off is so nice.
Anyway, I'll leave you with a picture of Moe sleeping. There is nothing cuter to me then a kitty foot.