
poor, hot, and fat... but happy.

Our air conditioner is fucked. It was 85 degrees upstairs in the office yesterday, and that makes me reallllly grumpy. We've recently had our system checked, and it turns out we need a whole new furnace and air conditioning unit. So, we have had a few companies come out to give us estimates. The running average seems to be around $3000-$4000. So we have to do a magic trick and pull the money out of our asses. Or more realistically, get a loan. Yay! I hate money. Money really pisses me off. If it weren't for money, I wouldn't have to work every single fucking Saturday at a second job. If not for money, Ken would be able to work a job he loves, rather than hates. If not for money....eh, it doesn't matter. I've been much worse off before in my life. I'm not holding my car's transmission line leaks together with duct tape anymore, or eating government cheese anymore. (mmmm...government cheese...)
Actually, despite some current stressors, Ken and I are pretty happy. Having each other really does make a difference. With him as my teammate, I do feel much calmer, safer, and all around happier. Depression or not, my life is more managable than it used to be, for sure. So fuck off, depression. Seriously. Fuck off.
In other news, my weight has been climbing steadily. So, I'm back to counting calories at Fitday.com . Now, if I can only remember to update it everyday. They make it a real pain in the ass to add foods that you cook at home. For example, I had to choose "pizza, no cheese" and then list my toppings seperately. I have to try and remember to add any cooking oils that I use, too.
I listed "sitting" as an activity. Heh. Hey, whatever it takes to burn those calories!
We have some really super cute handmade vinyl handbags coming in next week for the store. I can't wait to see how people like 'em. I'll post a link once we get them in stock.
Okay, bye now.