
that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red

After almost five straight days of rain and gloomy skies, I need some sunshine... and fast. Before I actually act on what I feel like doing, which is sleep sixteen hours a day and eat nothing but buttered toast while laying in bed. Sombody please save me from this horrible fate!
Besides the same old battle with depression, what else has gone on this week? Well, my friend M got married over the weekend. That was the only time it stopped raining around here, just long enough for the happy couple to have a beautiful outdoor ceremony. Both bride and groom are genuinely good people, so they both did well for themselves. I like it when good people join forces, because the world needs more of them.
One of these crazy things hitched a ride home on the hood of our car driving home from the wedding. Bugs like this freak me the fuck out! I'm sure I've mentioned this before, possibly in the scary ass mole entry, but spiders and snakes do not bother me in the least. There could have been a softball sized furry spider on our hood, and I would have said, "Wow. Look at that. That's pretty cool." Yeah, I would rather be considered weird than a puss. But give me a creepy green bug that looks like a leaf, and I nearly screamed. Seriously, it made me really jumpy! If my husband didn't think I was nuts before, well he does now. So this freaky leaf bug actually stayed on the windshield while we were driving on the highway at 70-80 MPH. If I wasn't so freaked out by it, I would have been amazed. We lost sight of him about half way home though, and I still get nervous going into the garage.
Ken had a job interview with a new company today. He's been studying his butt off for it these past two weeks. He described the two interviews he had today as "brutal". He really, really wants the job, and he will find out tomorrow if he gets it. His current job makes him pretty unhappy, so I hope he gets this new one, too.
That's about it for now. I'm going to go make some toast. (*help!*)