

Well, alright.
I'm finally done with the antibiotics, and feeling much better. I was pretty much nauseous the whole ten days I took the medicine, so I haven't felt like eating much. I've made up for that today, man. Today I have been eating anything I could get my hands on. In fact, I just had seconds from dinner. Another bowl of broccoli & rice casserole. I had a kick-ass brownie earlier, too. We just got those in today, and I predict that they will be quite dangerous.
I also tend to over eat when I'm nervous. Sending out my resume to labs is making me nervous. Not in a "oh! I'm so nervous! I might be starting a great new job!" kind of way, but more of a "Oh! I'm so nervous! I have outdated skills and zero prospects! And no college degree! I'm never going to get a damn job!" kind of way.
This will all be over once I win the lottery. Hopefully this week. But I can't afford a ticket, though.
Eh, maybe next week.