
and no news on the job front, either

My birthday was this past Sunday, and it was nice. I feel like I've gained about ten pounds from all the birthday lunches and dinners, not to mention tons of cake. But a girl only turns 31 once, so what else is she supposed to do? Talk about herself in third person?
Our family was nice enough to give me some cash as a gift, so I enjoyed treating myself to some things I don't usually get to buy. I got myself a lovely new Queen Bee Bag, which I would link except that it's a discontinued style that's not listed on their site anymore. I should take a picture of it, I suppose. I also ordered a couple of vegan cook zines, and got my hair did . The place where I get my hair cut (like, twice a year) sent me a coupon for a free coloring for my birthday! Whoo! So I had it trimmed while I was at it. The stylist straightened it for me as well. It looked awesome, and I can not, for the life of me, recreate the straightening myself at home. I tried, and it was a disaster. Think Roseanne Rosannadanna. It wasn't pretty. I love my curls and all, but it would be nice to have a stylish option that didn't require shelling out 30 bucks for a professional blow out. Yes, it takes a lot of money, time, and effort to make me look stylish in any way. Keeping with the hair theme, Ken gave me a new hair dryer since my old one was on it's last leg.
This is weird. As of this past Tuesday, Ken and I now belong to a gym. See? Totally weird. It was Ken's idea, although I've been wanting to have access to exercise equipment for quite a while now. We're doing a month-to-month membership at a little, not too scary gym near our house. We've already been twice! Once on Tuesday night, and once tonight. I'm not a big fan of exercise. I never have been. I've always been a thinker/dreamer type and not a mover/doer type. I live inside my own head, and I barely (accurately) notice how the outside looks, much less feel able to control it in any way. But we have been doing circuit weight training combined with cardio, so pretty soon I should have some bad-ass muscles. Heh. Yeah. I'll be happy with being able to walk for twenty minutes without feeling like I'm having an asthma attack.
On a slightly more worrisome note, my "nephew" Buzz, one of Christy's indoor cats, has gone missing. Her and Jeff were moving in a new fridge on Saturday, and Buzz must have made a break for it while the door was propped open. She's been putting up signs in her neighborhood and looking everywhere for him, even at animal control. If it were Moe, I don't know if I could even function. I feel so bad for Christy having to deal with this. I hope he makes it home soon. Buzz, if you're reading this, get your fat spoiled ass home! We are all worried sick!

In other news: Donald Watson, founder of The Vegan Society and inventor of the word "vegan" died today . The man was 95 years old. How's that for a healthy vegan diet? I'm sure he would have lived to 100 if not for that severe malnutrition and protein deficiency vegans have. Don't you NEED meat to live and thrive? Donald must not have gotten that memo. /sarcasm