
Public service announcement from Missleigh

I'm not sure why October was chosen to represent two huge women's health issues, but in addition to October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it's also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Since the issue of domestic abuse is close to me for obvious reasons, I want to take a minute to post some signs of domestic abuse.

� Are you afraid of your partner?

� Do you feel as if you have to walk on pins and needles sometimes to keep your partner from getting angry?

� Has your partner ever hit, slapped or pushed you?

� Do you ever feel as if you deserve to be punished?

� Do you ever feel as if you've done something wrong but you just can't figure out what it is?

� Have you lost all respect or love for your partner?

� Is your partner good to you most of the time -- sometimes downright wonderful -- but every once in a while very cruel or scary?

� Does your partner drive you crazy or make you feel as if you're going crazy?

� Do you find yourself sometimes thinking of ways of killing your partner?

� Have you believed that your partner would kill you?

� Has your partner told you that he or she would kill you?

� Has your partner threatened to commit suicide?

� Were you abused as a child?

� Has your partner forced you to do something you didn't want to do?

� Have you lost all or most of your friends since you've been with your partner?

� Do you feel isolated, as if there's nowhere to turn for help, and think that no one would believe you anyway?

� Have you lost a job because of your partner?

� Do you feel emotionally numb?

If you are in an abusive relationship, you may not feel safe leaving your mate. Let me tell you from experience: you are not safe UNTIL you leave. If he has made you feel financially incapable of leaving, please consider calling the domestic violence hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE and talk to someone who can help you figure out how to get out. If you have children, then you have more reason to get the fuck out!

If you may know someone who is being abused, be aware that it might be difficult to talk about for them, and in their mind they may actually believe the abuser is punishing them justly. Do what you can to keep them safe from harm. Bringing attention to the fact that you know about the abuse to the abuser will most likely bring more harm to your loved one. Only when the abused individual makes the final decision to leave will the abuse stop.

There are way too many women in this world who think that they are shit because someone that they trusted treated them as such. There are too many men who still believe that women have no right to their individuality, and that their purpose on earth is to make men happy.

Prosecute these men. I certainly wish I'd had.

....and if you want to contribute to this cause, and don't abhore the color pink, you can buy a special Liz Claiborne shirt HERE. Proceeds go to a non profit family violence prevention fund.

Okay, I think I'm done for now. Off my soap box :)