
On the clock

Well, I'm working from home for the first time today, and I can't order anything because the business credit card hasn't arrived yet. I'm pretty sure I can busy myself with other stuff, like preparing orders, eating valentine's day chocolates, putting up more shelving,trying to figure out what time is appropriate to call Australia to order vegan condoms (what time is it, Hiss ?) and fretting over paying my bills without an actual income.
I'm having a more difficult time that I thought I would talking companies into selling to us. For some reason, some people think that because we are an online store, that we are the size of Am@z0n or something. As appealing as a wharehouse full of vegan marshmallows and donuts sounds, we are but a small, humble business. It's alright, though. Once our fancy ads run in the magazines in the next month or two, we will have companies calling us to carry them. Hopefully. Maybe.
.....would anyone like to pay my car payment?
Sorry about locking the ol' diary last week. I was afraid that someone had started reading it that I thought shouldn't have. But hey, I'm thirty years old. If my father still wants to find stuff out about me rather than actually talking to me, or being involved in my life, then what he may read here will suffice. I suppose.
Okay. I must get back to fretting. I'm on the clock.