
I'm getting dumberer.

I've still been feeling all brain foggy and sluggish. It almost feels like I'm getting....dumber? Psh. I wouldn't be suprised, I guess. I went outside and took a walk, did some arm weights, and jumped rope to try and combat the sluggy dumbness. I don't feel any smarter, so maybe it didn't help. I don't feel the need to sleep all day anymore, so that's good. Maybe it's just my old friend Depression. I hate that bastard.
Last week we had our busiest day ever for the store, and now the orders seem to have stopped again. It's so unpredictable.
We need only a few orders a day to stay afloat, and it's a real nail-biter when that doesn't happen. One day it will, though. One day we will be so busy we will be begging for a break! Ha.
The other day we watched Hated: G.G. Allin And The Murder Junkies. I highly recommend it for those of you who like to watch fucked up junkies take shits in public (then eat it). If you don't, then you should probably stay away. I'm not the type who does like to watch fucked up junkies take shits in public (then eat it), but I am the type who has to watch movies that have a reputation of being "shocking". I have no idea why. Maybe I'm subconsciously trying to make myself jaded.
I liked my old template a lot, but I had a hard time reading the type on the new computer. So I switched to this dandy new purple one. It's purdy. And easy to read!
I'm going to attempt to make an Indian feast for dinner tonight. green lentil curry, "meatball" red curry, and nan bread. It should be exciting and curry-tastic. My only complaint is all of the pre-made vegan "yogurts" that are unflavored all have sugar in them, so the curries tend to be too sweet. I need to try and make my own soy yogurt one day. I'm lazy about cooking and making some things. I'll spend an hour making fresh cinnamon rolls from scratch, but I'm too lazy to make my own yogurts, salad dressings, or other condiments. I'vve heard of people making their own ketchup before! I'm sorry, but no. Not as long as the is a Wh0le Fo0ds Market on this earth will I make my own ketchup.