
rain rain go away.

Man, this weather is really bumming me out. It's been raining since Sunday, and it's supposed to keep on until Saturday or so. It sucks. We cancelled our garage sale that we were planning on having on Friday. Ken has been on vacation all week, and since I have to work every Saturday now, this Friday was the only time he and I were both going to be off to do it. I guess I'll just have to do the garage sale on a Friday by myself. Fridays seem to draw a bigger crowd than Sundays do, for some reason.
We had also planned to go on a picnic yesterday since Ken was off, but water kept pissing out of the sky. So we packed a lunch and went on a damn picnic anyway. We went up to the mountain where K and her Mr. got hitched, and ate our lunch under a covered area by the lake.

There were geese hanging out around there, too.

The rain was mostly just a light sprinkle, so we decided to go hiking. The trees kept us from getting too soaked. I like hiking. as long as I don't think of it as exercise, then I enjoy it more. Plus, we got to see deer poop, and some creepy crawly things out there.

We got a little turned around coming out of the woods, though. So what could have been a 2 mile hike turned into something like a 5 mile hike, because we had no idea where we were when we came out. I was wet, tired, and my ankles hurt. But I enjoyed myself.

In other news, what a buzzkill to find out the identity of Deep Throat . I mean, geez. The guy is 91 years old now. How much cooler would it have been for him to take possibly the biggest political secret with him to his grave, but leave the truth behind in a videotape confession or something? But, alas, according to the news reports, his family wants money. it always comes down to money, doesn't it?
And damn. 91 years old! That's a looooong time to be alive.
I've been using natural progesterone cream for the past week or so, in hopes that it will help with my fatigue issues. So far it seems to be helping, believe it or not, but it also seems to be causing my face to break out. Stupid touchy hormones.
Okay, time for bed.