
I'm full of it.

I'm in one of those moods again. The kind of mood where I'm filled to the brim with self loathing, with a touch of self pity. Ugh. That never looks good on me. Right now I look in the mirror and see a crooked toothed, frizzy headed, mess of a woman who has crappy fashionless clothes, and about 20 extra pounds on her. Bah! I told you. But I also know if that's all I see, then that's all anyone is going to see, so I better buck up.
I wonder where the term "buck up" came from, anyway?
I'm glad that I get to hang with Christy tomorrow. I need that. We're going to see Tori for the second time this year,and have some yummy dinner. We better have cake, too. Tori and cake always make me feel better. Even though the concert is at the absolute worst venue in Atlanta, Chastain. I would go see Tori even if she were playing a garbage dump, so I guess the venue doesn't matter much.
I had to stop using fitday.com to track my daily food intake, because it was really depressing. It made me feel like eating even more! But the exercise tracker didn't make me want to exercise even more. Funny how that works.
That's about it for now. Bedtime.