

Eh, nothing too new going on around here. I've been trying to shoo away a dark depression cloud that's been following me around for a few weeks, and trying not to eat everything in sight in the meantime.
I've located a couple of funny little curly grey hairs around the part in my hair. It's kind of a relief to know that even my grey hair will still be curly. They really add to the white trash effect I'm going for too, what with my two month old root growth and frizzy, no-trim-in-eight-months split ends. Yeah, I really look fantastic lately. My great hair on top of the ten pounds I've gained since February, and having to wear the same jeans everyday because my others don't fit me anymore really makes me feel like one hot momma.
Yeah, I rule.
Anyway. What else is going on? I'm excited by the fact that it's getting darker earlier in the evening. That's always a reminder that fall is just around the corner! Yay! I wish this 95+ degree weather away, I wish it away into the cornfield. I want cool breezes and crunchy leaves underfoot. I want darkness at 7:00 PM and long sleeved shirts. Only a month or two longer to wait!
Oh, if you know about my hatred for Hummers (the vehicles, you perv), then you will understand why I've deemed this my new favorite site.
I need to get a good pic to send 'em.