

harri3tspy tagged me for a meme! Here we go:

I. Seven things I plan to do before I die:

1. go back to school
2. have a successful career
3. learn to like exercise
4. get healthy
5. travel with my husband
6. have my photography in an actual show
7. learn to play a musical instrument

II. Seven things I can do:

1. meditate
2. make a mean smoothie
3. read an ingredient label with lightening speed
4. sing every word of about 100 Tori Amos songs
5. Artfully print photographs via an enlarger, old skool style
6. make homemade seitan, which isn't difficult, but some people think it is
7. can name at least seven plant foods that are higher in calcium than any dairy product. (okay, here: collard greens, blackstrap molassas, tahini, kale, almonds,tempeh, figs, turnip greens, sesame seeds...)

III. Seven things I can�t do:

1. any math beyond simple money/lifestyle type of math
2. get into sports
3. run
4. get into the whole peanut butter+chocolate combo. Yuck.
6. play video or computer games
7. drive any large vehicle, like a u-haul truck

IV. Seven things that attract me to people of the opposite sex (or same sex):

1. sense of humor
2. dark eyes
3. kindness
4. tattoos
5. emotional strength
6. cooking ability
7. clever use of curse words

V. Seven things I say most:

1. I don't feel good
2. motherfucker
3. thank you
4. I love you
5. that's awesome
6. bastards!
7. how was your day?

VI. Seven celebrity crushes:

1. Joaquin Phoenix
2. Ben Stiller
3. John Stewart
4. Clark Howard
5. Tori Amos
6. Adam Goldburg
7. I can't think of another one

VII. Seven people I want to take this quiz (only if they want to) :
