
there are at least 344 other benefits for being married to Ken besides the two I mentioned.

Yes, well.
Now that Ken and I are hitched, I get many benefits and rewards. One of them is being able to sleep next to him every night. Another is kick-ass eye care insurance. I used it for the first time today, and I'm really suprised at how much it covers! The eye exam AND a whole year of my disposable contacts completely free? Sweet fancy moses. I can actually dispose of them when I'm supposed to, rather than wear them for a month more than I should because I can't afford a new box. I've been wearing contact lenses for 18 years now, since I was a wee 13 year old. And I've been going to the doc-in-a-box eye care franchises the whole time. Today I found out that there is a big difference between those guys and a "real" eye doctor. This doc did lots of tests that I've never had. Including the whole eye-dilating thing. Man, did that suck.
First of all, I knew it involved wearing sunglasses out because I once drove Ken home from an eye exam after he had this done. So I ask the nurse what I should expect. Would I be able to drive home? "Oh yeah," she said. "Some people get nauseous, dizzy... but it's no big deal." Then she walked out and left me with my thoughts. Apparently she didn't know that she was dealing with a chronically depressed emetaphobic with an anxiety disorder, eh? Psh. I almost panicked my way to a heart attack.
For the record, I did not get nauseous, but it was nearly impossible to drive home. And they told me the whole "not being able to see" side effect would only last for about an hour. Yeah, three hours later I was trying to squint my way to the post office. But it's all done now, so okay.
In other news, Cosmo's has been slammed for the holidays. What a lovely suprise! It's been great fun, really. Who knows? Maybe in a few years we might be able to make a living doing something we love. What a dream come true that would be!
As far as my actual job, it's been a little bit better, for some odd reason. I received a voicemail apology from one of them for getting on my case on a particular day. It didn't explain the other 226 times she did the same thing, but I still very much appreciated the apology. They also told me I could stop wearing the advertisment T shirt that they have insisted I wear every Saturday for the past two months. Thank goodness. Besides the fact that it was hideous, I'm really not a fan of wearing advertising, even if it's for a product I use. It just makes me feel weird. I'm not a billboard. But that's done, so I'm happy about that. I don't know if they are being nicer because they decided that they could catch more bees with raw local honey than with organic apple cider vinegar, or if they are just buttering me up to work more hours Xmas week so they can go out of town.But either way I'll take it!
Hmm. What else. My dad had more melonoma removed from his face last week, and it looks like he will not need to do chemo since it was caught early. That's good. I have an unusual spot on my back that I keep meaning to get checked, but haven't yet. I'm bad about that. I know I need to, especially since my dad claims that his father died from neglecting skin cancer spots. I had an appointment that I had to make two months in advance, and it happened to fall during the week I had strep throat, So I cancelled it. I haven't rescheduled. Will somebody drag my ass down there please?
Okay, enough for now. G'night.